International Qur’aan Reciters Award (IQRA)

The South African Qur`aan Union has been hosting provincial and national competitions since 2005. Together with Madrasah Tarteelul Quraan, Awqaf SA and the South African National Zakaah Fund, the International Qur`aan Recital Award (IQRA) was established to honour the efforts of students and teachers of the Holy Qur`aan throughout the world.
The annual event serves as an added encouragement for individuals to improve, and hence the aim of the competition is to promote and maintain high levels of Qur`anic
learning and service, as well as to train and earmark successful (local) candidates for international platforms.
Apart from including reciters from selected countries, the event also features a national
female Qur’aan recitation contest, and a special section for past winners (champs of
champs` category).
Other than the recital contests, the event also features the `Servant of the Holy Qur`aan
Award` where an individual is honoured for his/ her role in propagating the Qur`aan in South Africa.